Uncategorized Request for Investment Application Investment Information I ndividuals and legal entities interested in presenting business projects for attracting investments, can submit the following form with all additional necessary documentations. Note: Only the projects that will meet the eligibility requirements as a result of verification will be confirmed by the project consultants and be included in the list of projects that must be presented to the potential investors. Project Title *Project Summary *Provide short description of investment project, business idea (indicate project version final/draft version)Consultation for developing/finalizing complete business plan is needed *YesNoIndustry *AgricultureBasic MaterialsCapital GoodsChemicalsCommunicationsConstructionConsumer GoodsEnergyFood and BeverageHealthcareInformation Technology (IT)Metals and MiningReal EstateTransportationTechnologyUtilitiesInvestment Participation Model *TakeoverMajority OwnershipMinority InterestSilent PartnershipAsset-Dial Takeover: purchase of one company (the target) by another (the acquirer, or bidder) Majority Ownership : person or entity that owns more than 50% of a company's outstanding shares Minority Interest : an equity position that does have sufficient votes to control the operations and finances of the company's business Silent Partnership : Silent partner is an individual whose involvement in a partnership is limited to providing capital to the business. A silent partner is seldom involved in the partnership's daily operations and does not generally participate in management meetings Asset-Dial : an agreement between a buyer and a seller that finalizes terms and conditions related to the purchase and sale of a company's assets Desired Investment Amount *Co – investment Amount *Provide information about assets included in your ownership Tangible assets: Fixed assets (machinery, buildings and land), current assets (inventory) Intangible assets: Corporate intellectual property (patents, trademarks, copyrights, business methodologAdditional Documentation List all additional attached documents below (complete business plan, financial documentation, etc.) you can make all document in zip file and upload zip fileFirst Document Max 25mbSecond Document Max 25mbThird document Max 25mb VerificationPlease enter any two digits *Example: 12This box is for spam protection - <strong>please leave it blank</strong>: TagsBusiness GeorgiaBusiness Georgia InvestmentBusiness Georgia MagazineInvestmentInvestment in Georgia Share on Facebook Twitter Pinterest Google + LinkedIn Email Previous articleSubscription Next articleStart-ups, get ready for financing! You may also like Food management for employees in Georgia The 3rd Tourism and Hospitality Conference within Welcome to Georgia! National Tourism Awards Tech Startup STYX Wins Seedstars Tbilisi 2018
Georgian Mandarin export insights Georgian mandarin is cultivated in Western regions of Georgia, in Adjara, Guria, Samegrelo and Apkhazia. Russia and Ukraine are leading Georgian mandarin export countries,…